Top 5 Images to Use for Your Advisor Website

Jordan Young - 27 août 2024
When it comes to creating a professional and appealing advisor website, the images you choose play a crucial role. They not only enhance the visual appeal of your site but also help convey trust, expertise, and the value of your services.
corner view of an office building with glass windows all around

Here are the top 5 image selection ideas for your website.

1. Team Photos

Why It Works: 

A team photo helps showcase the people behind the brand, putting a friendly face behind your services. This is essential in an industry where trust and personal relationships are key. Potential clients want to see the faces of the individuals they’ll be working with.


Ensure the photo is professional, well-lit, and reflects the personality of your team. Unlike headshot photos where a smart phone with a good camera can take a really good photo - having a professional photographer visit your office and take a picture of the team will result in a stunning team photo that you could utilize in your website's banner.


A team of 6 professionals looking up at the camera A team of 3 professionals smiling and looking straight at the camera A team of 5 professionals standing next to each other


2. Client Testimonials


Why It Works:

Testimonials are powerful tools for building credibility. Pairing a testimonial with an image of the client (with their permission) makes the endorsement more relatable and trustworthy.


Testimonial design with an image on the left

3. Industry-Specific Imagery

Why It Works:

Using images that reflect your specific niche helps establish your authority and connect with your target audience. For example, if you specialize in retirement planning, images of seniors enjoying life post-retirement can resonate well with potential clients. 


Choose images that depict your ideal client scenarios. These should be realistic and aspirational, showing the outcomes your services can help achieve. Be mindful of diversity and inclusion in your imagery to ensure that you speak to a broad audience. STAY away from iconic images such as “hands shaking”. These images are often overplayed and are not custom to your team.


An elderly couple walking at the beach An elderly couple walking at the beach An elderly lady resting her head on the shoulder of her husband by the lakeside An elderly couple looking at each other, holding coffee cups and sitting on a bench at a park

4. Engaging Infographics

Why It Works:

Infographics are an excellent way to visually communicate complex information. They can break down data, show trends, or explain processes in an easily digestible format.


Design infographics that are clean, simple, and aligned with your brand’s color scheme. They can be placed on many different pages of your website to help visualize content/material.


Infographic on its common uses in a process design

5. Office and Meeting Spaces

Why It Works:

Images of your office or meeting spaces give potential clients a glimpse into the environment where they will receive advice. Having office photos of well lit areas or the front lobby helps make it feel more welcoming.


A meeting room or boardroom with a long table and 8 chairs Relaxing zone of an office with comfortable chairs, bean bag and plants A reading or discussion room with bookshelves, a round table and 4 chairs A conference room with a huge table, chairs, laptops and a whiteboard


The images on your advisor website are more than just decorative elements; they are integral to building trust, conveying professionalism, and connecting with potential clients on an emotional level. By thoughtfully selecting team photos, client testimonials, industry-specific imagery, engaging infographics, and pictures of your office space, you can create a website that not only looks great but also effectively communicates the value you offer.